Social Studiesby Matthew Caggia

Unit 1C: World Religions

Sections 2.5, 3.2, 3.4, 5.4, 10.1

This unit will focus on World Religions, that is, the major religions of today. These religions have grown to be global, not just regional, and have endured for millenia. Here we will discuss and look at the basic ideas of Hinduism, Buddhisn, Judaism, Confucianism, Christianity, and Islam. We will also look at two other Chinese philosophies, Legalism and Daoism. The purpose is to understand culture and the impact religion has had on people and history.

Study Tools

Online Textbook Resources

These pages contain links to online content for studenty practice. It includes worksheets, section summaries, note taking guides, self-tests and self-quizzes.


Link to Quizlet! Vocabulary is the key to understanding any subject. Once you can break down the barrier of language the ideas and concepts are wide open. Here you can find the vocabulary for the unit to practice by using online flash cards and by practicing online generated vocabulary quizzes.


"The Greatest Man on Earth"

This video was circulating on Facebook and when I saw it, I knew would have to show it when we discuss Hinduism. As we learn about dharma and karma it is interesting to see what people do when they are faced with a contradiction: obey their caste duty OR do what they believe to be morally right. While you may or may not agree with the title of the video, "The Greatest Man on Earth", more importantly focus on the conflict. It is also important to note, these types of conflicts can emerge in any and all religions, it is not something unique to Hinduism.

Time Life's "Lost Civilizations"

"Mesopotamia: Return to Eden"

This video clip discusses the origin of the core holy book of Judaism - the Torah. The importance of the writing down of the Torah is that it has impact beyond Judaism, as it is also the first five books of the Chrisitan Old Testament and the Tawrat of Islam.

Copyright M. Caggia 2014