Social Studiesby Matthew Caggia

Unit 4: First Global Era

Chapters 14 & 15

With the fall of the Mongol Empire across Asia and the end of the Pax Mongolica, the price of goods coming from Asia were on the rise. The new kingdoms that emerged along the Silk Road, charged a fee for goods passing through. With the new technologies learned from the Middle East and Asia, Europeans sought find their own direct route to the Indies in order to provide goods at a lower price. With Portugal leading the way, a vast exchange of goods and cultures that would change the world forever - and not necessarily for the better.

Study Tools

Online Textbook Resources

These pages contain links to online content for studenty practice. It includes worksheets, section summaries, note taking guides, self-tests and self-quizzes.

Chapter Resources
Geography Interactive
History Interactive



Vocabulary is the key to understanding any subject. Once you can break down the barrier of language the ideas and concepts are wide open. Here you can find the vocabulary for the unit to practice by using online flash cards and by practicing online generated vocabulary quizzes.

PowerPoint Presentations

The Search for Spices

PowerPoint presentation about the motivatoins for European Exploration as well as some of the main ideas for Portugal and Spain's involvement.

Impact of Explorationn

PowerPoint that details the global results of European contact with the various parts of the world.


Crash Course World History #18: "The Indian Ocean Trade"

Cleverly made videos that summarize key historical information using fun graphics and witty descriptions. This video is about the international trade that existed in the Indian Ocean for centuries prior to the arrival of the Portuguese - the "Monsoon Marketplace"

Crash Course World History #21: "15th Century Mariners"

Cleverly made videos that summarize key historical information using fun graphics and witty descriptions. This video explores sea trade of the 1400s, not only from Europe, but from Asia, too!

Crash Course World History #24: "The Atlantic Slave Trade"

Cleverly made videos that summarize key historical information using fun graphics and witty descriptions. This video explores the Atlantic Slave Trade, or the Middle Passage. John Greene respectfully keeps the amount of jokes to a minimum.

Crash Course World History #26: "The Seven Years War"

Cleverly made videos that summarize key historical information using fun graphics and witty descriptions. This 7, or nine, or 23 years war (whatever) took place all over the world. Perhaps the truly first world war.

Crash Course World History #23: "The Columbian Exchange"

Cleverly made videos that summarize key historical information using fun graphics and witty descriptions. While the European Age of Exploration had profound negative impacts on the world, it is also important to point out some of the benefits of the global exchange of goods and agricultural products.

Copyright M. Caggia 2014