Social Studiesby Matthew Caggia

Unit 6: Age of Revolutions

Chapters 18 & 20

The glorious ideas of the Enlightenment spread across Europe like a plague infecting country after country theatening to strike down every monarch it comes in contact with beginning with Lious XVI of France. France will undergo drastic changes and some dangerous and difficult times taking many lives along the way, leaving in its wake a very different society and government than it found. The world will never be the same and within a hundred years it will be embroiled in a series of wars.

Study Tools

Online Textbook Resources

These pages contain links to online content for studenty practice. It includes worksheets, section summaries, note taking guides, self-tests and self-quizzes.

Chapter Resources
Geography Interactive
History Interactive



Vocabulary is the key to understanding any subject. Once you can break down the barrier of language the ideas and concepts are wide open. Here you can find the vocabulary for the unit to practice by using online flash cards and by practicing online generated vocabulary quizzes.

PowerPoint Presentations

The Reolution Begins

Setting the stage for the French revolution looking at social and economic conditions of France in the eve of the revolution.

Radicalism in France

The French Revolution becomes violent and turns against itself. Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety are anything but.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon not only impacted the history of France but created the situation that contribute to World War I.

"When France Sneezes..."

After the French Revolution, a series of revolutions will grip Europe threatening the status quo.

Latin American Wars for Independence

Events in Europe made the time right for Revolution to spread to Latin America.


Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration

Creative music video based on the song "Apologize" by One Republic. Here the founders are telling the King that it is too late to apologize for all that he had done to the colonies. It is time to declare independence.

Crash Course World History #29: "The French Revolution"

Cleverly made videos that summarize key historical information using fun graphics and witty descriptions. The American Revolution intiated big changes around the world, not so much on its own, but the spread of Enlightenment ideas around the world.

Crash Course World History #30: "Haitian Revolutions"

Cleverly made videos that summarize key historical information using fun graphics and witty descriptions. This video explores sea trade of the 1400s, not only from Europe, but from Asia, too!

Crash Course World History #31: "Latin American Revolutions"

Cleverly made videos that summarize key historical information using fun graphics and witty descriptions. This video explores the Atlantic Slave Trade, or the Middle Passage. John Greene respectfully keeps the amount of jokes to a minimum.

Copyright M. Caggia 2014